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Sunday, January 27, 2008

I Feel Bad For John Edwards

Despite the fact that I get a serious Children Of The Corn vibe from the guy, because he just creeps me out somehow, you have to wonder how he's feeling today.

He came in third in the state he's from. Obama kicked his ass hard. That's how far we've come, folks: the white guy came in third in an important primary. I think that's pretty telling in itself.

But Edwards...whom I'm starting to really warm to...finsihed THIRD in his own state, because there's two people far more interesting than he is ahead of him. He's the third man in a two-person race. He's Al Gore '88 struggling to be relelvant in the Mike Dukakis/Jesse Jackson race with Gephardt nipping at his heels like an irritating little chihuahua.

So we're looking at the first major casualty after Super Tuesday, because if he's smart, he'll bow out now and choose Hillary or Barack (likely Hillary) to back, so he can vie for a far-more-likely Veep slot again.

As to who I want to see win the Dem nod...I don't know anymore. I just can't bring myself to support Clinton. And Obama's been doing weird shit lately, making me nervous. Attacking Hillary was stupid.

Speaking of stupid, sinking all his nickels into Florida will be the undoing of Giuliani. After he finishes third or fourth in Florida, and Super Tuesday glosses over him like a magazine cover with Britney Spears on it, he's out. Expect Rudy to drop out of the race by March.

And expect me to continue to scratch my head about whom I want to see running the country for the next 4 years.

What do you think?