Randomonium from the last few days
First of all, yes...the Beer & Cheese Soup recipe...which got a lot of calls during Pigskin Picks, and a lot of email afterwards...is up on the recipe page at WAOR.com. Now with picture-y goodness!
Now...on to the crap...
Daniel Baldwin — brother of Alec, Billy and Stephen — continues to mystify everyone around him. This week he was arrested in Santa Monica for grand theft auto and possession of illegal drugs. He’s out on $20,000 bail.
Baldwin has had many scrapes and embarrassing moments with the law, all due to drugs, including a wild incident at the Plaza Hotel in New York that brought plenty of police and headlines several years ago.
And it’s not like Daniel Baldwin hasn’t been able to get work as an actor. He appears in several of the final episodes of "The Sopranos," which will air beginning in March 2007. In kind of a "Get Shorty" nod, he plays a bad guy that Christopher (Michael Imperioli) gets involved when he tries to make his Hollywood movie.
A source from "The Sopranos" confirms that Baldwin came to work and completed it. So that’s the tragedy of addiction: even being on the most prestigious show on television isn’t enough to make him turn his life around. Sad.
A huge hurricane-like storm is raging across the surface of the planet Saturn. It's about 5,000 miles across, or 2/3rds the diameter of Earth.
Not really news, but pretty trippy to think about...
December 22nd is Global Orgasm Day. The intent is that the participants concentrate any thoughts during and after orgasm on peace. The combination of high- energy orgasmic energy combined with mindful intention may have a much greater effect than previous mass meditations and prayers. Hello!
And here's a picture that speaks for itself:

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