It was 40 years ago today.

Sgt. Pepper was a departure for the moptops, an homage of sorts to The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds. The Rolling Stones would do a similar project a few months later with their highly underrated Their Satanic Majesties Request, and by then, The Beatles would have taken things a step further with Magical Mystery Tour. 1967 was an amazing year for music. And through the grace of my job, I only half-missed it by being born in 1970.
Sgt. Pepper was the first album to feature a gatefold sleeve. Somewhere, my parents still have a copy on vinyl. It's in pristine-ish condition. It still has the un-punched-out punchouts of the glasses and medals and other cardboard detritus it shipped out with.
No matter who's compiling the list, it has to appear in the Top Five Most Important Classic Rock Albums Ever Recorded By Carbon-Based Lifeforms On This Or Any Other Planet. They don't record stuff like this anymore, so pull this bad boy out this weekend, toast its 40th with some sort of appropriate beverage, and give it a nice listen.
If you can do so on vinyl, more the better.
And while listening, please try to not think about the horrible movie that shares its name. The one not even Aerosmith could save...
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